How to become a happy life – 9 happy path.

Sometimes it seems the journey of life, in our way, we can deal with more obstacles. However, even in the face of the most challenging circumstances, you can make your selection, this nine happy path very happy. 1. Honor yourself: Remember attendant said, “The first time his own oxygen mask.” You are of no use, other people if you do not take care of your own needs first – this includes their emotions, as well as physical well being. 2. Forgive everyone for everything : forgiveness is a gift to yourself. Angry, you create stress in your life, you can delete it immediately, the pressure to give forgiveness. That your forgiveness other optional – internal forgiveness is needed in order to live a happy life.

3. For all of life : There are gratitude and forgiveness, gratitude is a gift to yourself. Said: “Thank you” is a powerful way to create great relationships, but the real power thanks to your presence – a huge gratitude ever happened or did not happen in your life everything inside.

Respect your heart : faith is strong, but it is irreplaceable observations, concerns, weighing alternatives and choose intentions. No conscious choice, no freedom and happiness.

Design Your Future : Do not passive tumbleweed blowing life torrent games download. Envisioning the future you want, and then take action to create the future. Typically, you will fail.

6. Starting today, never give up : There is no better time than today – every one “Today.

Oriental proverb saying, ” Fall seven times, stand up eight.” 7. Radiation Happiness : The service is the path to happiness is one of the largest service of others, but remember that your greatest service to others is a person, you, not your task.

8. Dancing and life : life is not necessarily a serious matter. You will make mistakes, you will feel regret in the end, you will die – so what? Happiness comes from life lightly dance – the river of life to play hopscotch – gracefully leaping, joy joy and laughter disaster threat – even laughing hysterically, when we do our human frailness of falling into a muddy torrent.

Know and spiritual unity : There are as many ways and spirit, and others – each of us has his own way to receive strength and serenity, from infinity. If you admit that you are not alone, your life will be happier, be open this exists, and create rituals to celebrate your connection.

However, you and spirit, do it today.

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